Tag: Security

Time to uninstall Adobe Flash Player

Time to uninstall Adobe Flash Player ! When Change happens quickly and When Businesses adapt…

Opensource: be grateful for enterprisey quirky mess

Apparently, it has taken almost a year for the most popular PHP mailing library to…

Cookie-less REST API with Laravel

We learned to rely on browser cookies for many years. Some of us don't even…

Emails and SPAM

Microsoft's Live.com marks the returned email as SPAM. Normally, you would not go through your…

Microsoft’s Live.com decided my password was too long: over 16 characters ?!

I don't think it was a wise decision to set the character limit for passwords…

New joint venture scam from Argos

A few days ago, one of my friends bought the cheapest laptop (netbook rather) in…

MS SQL Server: Anomalies

Backup/restore databases: After the restore, you must revoke (sp_revokelogin) and grant access (sp_grantlogin) to users…