
Online Relocation: Moving from 1and1 to AWS Route 53 and Digital Ocean

Even though it is time consuming, I think we have to reconsider our web hosting…

EU VAT Number Validation SOAP Service

We are a VAT registered company in UK, and I am the lead developer of…

Architecture is everything, plan for speed at the beginning

We've recently needed to compare our file storage areas on Amazon and Rackspace. We're mainly…


He'd been looking for something all his life, something was missing.. One day, he unexpectedly…

Composer for PHP: Do we really need it?

If you are wondering what we are dealing with in PHP world on a day…

PHP get_browser function to detect user’s OS and browser details

I've just lost a day because of this stupid browser_name_regex property: e.g. "ยง^mozilla/5\.0 \(.*windows nt…

Android is the next Windows

Android might be the next "Windows" because it is bloated with s**tware e.g. Gmail: say…

To use a framework or not to use a framework: again!

If using a PHP framework is recommended for its reusability, maintainability, popularity; why would a…

Postgresql and Node.js 100% Javascript Adventure – Part 2

This is the second part of PostgreSQL, Node.js and JavaScript post. We can continue by…

Emails and SPAM

Microsoft's marks the returned email as SPAM. Normally, you would not go through your…