
Just another reason to hate using others’ code: Paypal SDK for PHP

Recently, I have downloaded Paypal SDK for PHP developers release 1.1.93 which is for "Express…

Microsoft’s decided my password was too long: over 16 characters ?!

I don't think it was a wise decision to set the character limit for passwords…

Why you do not need a heavy-weight PHP framework

This post is (not) for beginners. Recommended reading: Rasmus Lerdorf: PHP Frameworks? Think Again. What…

Recursive Relationships in Databases

One of the tricky issues in entity relationship model is the recursive relationships. Sometimes an…

Adaptable Database Design

I had an opportunity to work on a Magento implementation and checked its database. I…

Programming with too many unknowns in a dynamic language

The aim is to write code efficiently, but without compromising easy debugging, maintenance, and especially…

To upgrade or not to upgrade XAMPP 1.7.3

XAMPP is just another package of: Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP + PEAR + Zend…

PHP FastCGI on LightTPD

Recently, I've been having issues with php-cgi.exe crashing on Apache 2.2 and IIS7 on Windows…

Using Subclipse = Subversion with Eclipse

Admiration for Java-way of programming has lead many programmers of programming languages to one thing:…

Installing SVN Server on Fedora Linux

I used Sun Virtual Box before. I've just installed Oracle Virtual Box on my old…