Tag: MS SQL Server

Recursive Relationships in Databases

One of the tricky issues in entity relationship model is the recursive relationships. Sometimes an…

To upgrade or not to upgrade XAMPP 1.7.3

XAMPP is just another package of: Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP + PEAR + Zend…

Paging records in MS SQL Server 2005

After years of torturing their SQL Server users, Microsoft provided a "better" way of paging…

MS SQL Server: Temporary Tables

Just a way of using temporary tables in Microsoft SQL Server, if you want to…

MS SQL Anomalies 3

For those who are still using ancient data types such as CHAR be careful if…

Deceiving MS SQL Server: UPDATE Command


Broken SQL objects: Views, functions, stored procedures, triggers

Designing a perfect entity relationship diagram for our database together with a marvellous table structure…

MS SQL Server: Anomalies 2

We had a database in MS SQL 2000 server. The server/database was configured NOT to…

MS SQL Server: Using Remote Servers (Linked Servers)

Sometimes I need to have a quick way of transferring data from one database to…

MS SQL Server: Anomalies

Backup/restore databases: After the restore, you must revoke (sp_revokelogin) and grant access (sp_grantlogin) to users…