Tag: SQL

Show MS Access Subreports With No Data

On MS Access applications, usually I use subreport objects with SQL queries of their own,…

Tape backup on CentOS

On this occasion, we have a PHP/Firebird application. We had to backup the database and…

Paging records in MS SQL Server 2005

After years of torturing their SQL Server users, Microsoft provided a "better" way of paging…

Setting up a web application on CentOS 5.3

Ingredients for our web application are Apache HTTP Server 2.2, PHP 5.2, Firebird 2.1and Oracle…

PHP Stock Profiler: Improvements

I've been planning to improve this application by adding a SQLite database, updating itself say…

MS SQL Server: Temporary Tables

Just a way of using temporary tables in Microsoft SQL Server, if you want to…

MS Access Reports: Sums from distinct group headers

The problem: When we use formulas on textboxes in the report footers of MS Access…

MS SQL Anomalies 3

For those who are still using ancient data types such as CHAR be careful if…

Deceiving MS SQL Server: UPDATE Command


Broken SQL objects: Views, functions, stored procedures, triggers

Designing a perfect entity relationship diagram for our database together with a marvellous table structure…