Year: 2017

Poor man’s full text search for SuiteCRM

The poor man's CRM, a.k.a SuiteCRM, is great (... was great for its time!); that's…

MySQL Error: Thread stack overrun

Recently, I've come across this error: MySQL error 1436: Thread stack overrun: 164720 bytes used…

The Forgotten Pull Requests (PR) of a New Breed of Sherpas in the Himalayas

Pull Requests (PR) are a huge topic on Github and here is a whole "BOOK"…

How NOT to write (OOP PHP) code

My comment on one of the files of SuiteCRM: which was closed and kindly…

How NOT to write (PHP) code

My comment on one of the files of SuiteCRM: So... * todo: encapsulate logically…

Drupal 8 – Amazing progress!?

Drupal 8 (cash-cow of digital agencies)... after so many years, they cannot event get the…