#PHP was great! Its maintainers could not adapt well! New #software #architecture s and #techstack s killed it! You could not run it without #Nginx or #ApacheHTTPd (#module, #CGI or #FastCGI #Process #Manager #PHPFPM). Complicated and heavy #frameworks accelerated the downfall.
#Benchmark on my laptop for simple #JSON output with hello world message and current timestamp… I used #autocannon .
Using PHP v8.1, I can get 15k requests within 10 seconds!
#Node v16 has a brilliant HTTP #module! You can run it stand-alone directly and also via #PM2 process manager to take advantage of all #CPU cores. It can serve over 800k requests within 10 seconds!
That is not realistic, it only shows the #overhead ! Agreed.
When you put #APIGateway, #ReverseProxy & #LoadBalancer in between your users & your #services; and when you connect to #databases and run read/write #operations, you will see over 99% drop in #performance.
If you want to serve more users with less (virtual) computers, if you want to reduce your hosting costs, you need to consider every aspect of your tech stack, every line of code, and every library that you use. It’s a #myth that #computers are #cheaper than #programmers – no, not in the long run! If you don’t pay attention, you will experience issues about #Stability, #Scalability, #Security and #Finance ! We all could find a better use for a bit of excess cash! 😉
Photo from https://unsplash.com/photos/M5tzZtFCOfs