Many years ago we used to have #character set issues between multiple #tiers of our #software #solutions. Because of inconsistencies, we had to convert data mutliple times, for example, I was using variants of Latin1:

Web frontend <=> Backend <=> Database

Today everyone uses UTF-8 at all tiers. Consistent, no issues, no head ache!

Today, we have similar issue just because of “silly” disagreement on #naming #convention for our #models & #properties (or #tables and #fields), etc.

Please do NOT #twitch when you see #lower_snake_case at all tiers; #Python developers don’t! 😉 Leave your ego at the door, you will save lots of #processing #power and #memory, eventually saving lots of #money for your #company; trust me!

Please also note that many years ago #UPPER_SNAKE_CASE was the norm. Today it’s called shouting!?

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